Do you know that you are known

January 26, 2025
Series: Believe
Book: Psalms


PSALMS 139:1-14 (NIV)

Verses 1-6: Our God is omniscient

Meaning He has perfect knowledge of all things and all creation.

O Lord, thou hast searched me – The word rendered searched, has a primary reference to searching the earth by boring or digging, as for water or metals. Then it means to search accurately or closely.

And known me – As the result of that search, or that close investigation. Thou seest all that is in my heart. Nothing is, or can be, concealed from Thee. It is with this deep consciousness that the psalm begins; and all that follows is but an expansion and application of this idea.

Do you believe that you are known by the sovereign God? And we’re not talking about God having a general knowledge of your existence, but Him having an in-depth eternal knowledge of you, your life, things happening in your life, wherever you are in life, whatever it is you may be experiencing, He knows your joys and pain and struggles. He knows your strengths and weaknesses, He knows you completely.

We must realise that His omniscience is more than just the fact that He knows all things, it’s more than just mere knowledge. It is an exhaustive, consummate and in-depth eternal knowledge and understanding of all things and all beings. This knowledge is intimate and

personal, suggesting a relationship that goes beyond mere acquaintance. In the biblical context, being known by God is a source of comfort and assurance, as seen in John 10:14, where Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows His sheep. This phrase underscores the personal nature of God’s care and attention to His people.

Note how the Psalmist makes his doctrine personal, he saith not, “O God, Thou knowest all things”; but, “Thou hast known me.” It is ever a wise thing to lay truth home to ourselves.

The LORD our God is omniscient, He knows our thoughts even before they’re in our minds. He knows your strengths, He knows your weaknesses, nothing about you is hidden from, strange or new to Him. Do you know this truth? Have you accepted this truth?

Verses 7-12: Our God is omnipresent

Meaning He’s present everywhere at the same time

This reminds me of the story of the Prophet Jonah, who tried to “run away” from God after he was given a task. It could be that some of us here today are in a similar situation. That is, by our lifestyle we’re consciously or unconsciously attempting to run away from God. We live like we’re not under His rule and reign, but that is far from the truth. His sovereignty and presence reaches the highest heaven and down to sheol. For some it could be difficult hearing about the omnipresence of God, because you may have for a period of time not felt the presence of God in your life, and the LORD seems to be distant, and you don’t know what to do. Hear the word ofthe LORD as He said in Isaiah 41:10 “…Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.”

Verses 11&12: If I say, “Let darkness surround me, let the light around me be night,”even darkness like this is not too dark for you; rather, night is as clear as day, darkness and light are the same.

The LORD our God is at all times with you!

In times when things seem to be going well He is present, rejoicing with you and delighting in you, He is present in the peace and joy. And in those difficult times, when you are in confusion and frustration, things don’t seem to be going the way you’d like, in those times when you no longer feel His presence, those times when you can’t even pray, HE is present with you, He is present in the pain and tribulations, know this truth and receive the comfort that He is there to give.

Verses 13-14: Our God is a God of wonders

You’re a creation of the Almighty Creator, He knows why He made you, He knows for what you were made, don’t ever entertain the thought that you’re good for nothing, no! For God has made it known through His word that we were created for a purpose, created for good works. You have something to give, you have something to do. We’re His wonderful works created to the glory of His name.


For some people it is frightening to think that the LORD who according to Jeremiah 17:10 “… search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” knows their thoughts and nothing about them is hidden from Him. If you’re such a person who walk not in His ways, it is a hard truth to accept but it nonetheless true and you can either live in denial of His sovereignty over your life or you can turn to Him in repentance.

For those of us that are believers, it should be comforting to know that we are known by the LORD our God. He doesn’t just simply know you or know things about you, He understands it all. And it is from a place of intimate and eternal knowledge and understanding of you that He

works in your life. He knows us, He sees us and He cares for us and It is for this reason He says in 1 Peter 5:7 Throw all your anxieties upon him, because he cares about you.

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