December 24, 2023
Series: Christmas

Speaker: Ps Daniel Abu

Soundcloud Listen


V5: Jesus Christ is God, (V11) Jesus Christ is Lord

V 6: – (1) Who being in the form of God (nature of God) – Greek word MOR-PH-E – METAMORHOSIS; MORPHOLIGICAL. We usually mean changing form – but this word _ MORPHE_ means – the essential form or nature of something that never change. There is another word in Greek for form – SCHE-MA – the outward form that does change.

Our MORPHE is that we are human – we never change – you were born a human and you will die as human – MORPHE. BUT you have a SCHEMA that does change – Zygote – embryo – foetus – newborn – Infancy –  Toddler – Childhood – Adolescence or teenage – Adulthood – Old – death.

  1. Being– present continuous – the nature or essence of a person. Jesus did not become God, He is God. Always was, always is and always will be.
  2. GraspedIsaiah 14(For Lucifer, equality with God is something to be grasped) ; Genesis 3 (Eve and by extension Adam wanted to be like God)


V7: (1) Jesus Christ made Himself nothing – (He emptied Himself) of what? (1) Privilege (Mark 9 – mount of transfiguration; John 17:5)

  1. Taking the very nature[MOR-PH-E] of a servant (slave), being made in humanlikeness.

{Jesus Christ who has the MORPHE of God – took on the MORPHE of man} – Essentially, Jesus Christ was a GODMAN


V8: Humbled Himself – In His Birth (Born in a manger); In His Life (Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many); In His Death (Galatians 3:13 – “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (ESV). Jesus was cursed for us, hanging on the cross as a substitute for our sins).


V9-11: Jesus Ascended supreme as Lord.

Jesus Christ is God; Became Man; Humbled Himself enough to die on the cross for you; Became Lord. ARE YOU WILLING TO RECEIVE CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOUR?

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