ICA marks the Birth of Christ with drama and performances

The church was filled to capacity as the music team interspersed their well-rehearsed, spirit-filled songs, punctuated at each interval with drama and performances of the birth of Christ to mark the Christmas day celebration at the International Christian Assembly in Moscow on December 25. 

King Herod looked facially ecstatic, but inwardly wicked, as he heard that a king was born to overthrow him. Bellowing to the wise men to look for the king and when they find him they should immediately inform him so that he could also show obeisance to him. King Herod’s plan was thwarted as the Holy Spirit showed them a different route to use. This drove him crazy and meted out an atrocious fury on all male born in Bethlehem. Pastor Daniel did not only portray his hold on the podium, but he exhibited his acting agility as he played the role of King Herod. He wore a long blue cardigan with large-golden stripes at every side, as his head was covered with the kingly crown. His young guards restlessly stood beside him as they tried to decode the thoughts of the king’s sullen face after the three wise men had left.

Not only did Sarah, the choir leader, show us that she cannot only sing the heavenly songs to a rapturous congregation, but also she is heavily-filled with the display of her nascent acting skills. She walked majestically on stage as she appeared to Joseph to tell him the name to be given to the new born son. She wore an all white loose-fitting dress portraying the pure and without blemish nature of the Holy Spirit. 

The ICA Filipino Fellowship weren’t left out of the joy of the day. One could but wonder at the well-coordinated they moved on stage as if they had rehearsed ages before. They danced to the song, “Go tell the mountains” and you could realise the synchronicity of their body with the pace of the music. As they uniformly flew their hands in the air, brought them down and turned around flawlessly with no one hitting each on the packed stage shows their ingenuity and conscientiousness. The crowd were wowed at every step they took on the stage to make their dance moves memorable and fun on Christmas day.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). The celebration wouldn’t have been complete if the kids didn’t have their segment in the whole festivities. The children’s ministry whetted the congregation’s appetite  to get more of their smooth, childish melody. They performed the song by the Cedarmont Kids called “Go Tell It on The Mountain”. They really told the world that Jesus Christ was born.

The white-and-red apparel worn by the choir exudes the mood of the Christmas celebration. The white depicts the holiness, purity and peace that Jesus brings to our lives. Red is the colour of love and it shows the love of Christ for us in that he lowered himself to take the form of a human to save mankind from their sins.

Photo by Lens

The congregation at ICA Moscow were treated to songs, performances and drama that showcase the birth of Christ while they enjoyed different kinds of cuisines from more than 30 countries represented at the church. 

Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God. The name ‘Christmas’ comes from the Mass of Christ. A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died and then came back to life. The ‘Christ-Mass’ service was the only one that was allowed to take place after sunset (and before sunrise the next day), so people had it at Midnight! So we get the name Christ-Mass, shortened to Christmas.

BY: Stephen Obiri Agyei

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