Christ is Inviting you to Himself

The invitation of Jesus Christ is a solemn call to everyone to come to the saving grace of God and to know the true God. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor Victor espoused the urgency to which Christ is calling us to himself and not to allow any of the people the Father has entrusted in his care to go astray. He is therefore standing at the door of our heart to show his supernatural love to us. According to Pastor Victor, Christ wants all people to be saved and he has extended his invitation to all and sundry to come to him. 

Jesus assured his disciples of his second coming. He said in John 14:18 that, I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. Therefore, as Christians we have the hope of our living God that he is going to prepare a place for us and we shall be with him.

Christ the Physician

Christ came to heal the blind, the lame and to resurrect the dead so that through this healing we become his friend.

Pastor Victor made an analogy between the human as a physician and Jesus as a physician. In his explanation, he said the human physician doesn’t call the patient his friend after the treatment; on the other hand, Jesus Christ heals you and brings you closer to himself as a friend forever. He came to this world to get us back to the Father. 

The Holy Spirit

Pastor Victor talked about the love of Christ through the Holy Spirit. He said, the Holy Spirit is given to us as a sign of his unflinching love for us and we need to demonstrate this love to everyone as Christians. 

He declared, “Church, if we pray in tongues but we don’t have love for our brethren, our spouses, our children, our colleagues, our friends, then the Spirit cannot work in the church because the Spirit operates in love”. 

He advised the congregation to have a forgiven heart and not to hold grudges against one another since it will hinder the progress of the church. “Unforgiveness is a terrible thing”, he cautioned the congregation.

BY: Stephen Obiri Agyei

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