Every Church Leader Is Unique, Pastor Leni says

Pastor Leni emphasised the strengths, capabilities and uniqueness of leaders in the church and how God has purposely made them shepherds over the congregation. She said this during the Sunday service at the ICA auditorium. 

She explained that God has given each Pastor of ICA a unique ability that is different from others and these abilities are to build up the members of the church spiritually, physically and intellectually. She recounted, “If you spend time with Pastor John you will hear anything about love, the grace of God, and how to be kind and gentle at all times. Pastor Daniel Abu tells you what the bible says it’s right and wrong, that is, in ‘black and white’ and that’s it. She added that Pastor Victor challenges you intellectually.” 

She therefore cautioned church members not to compare leaders with one another as God has given each of them their unique potential to serve as a source of blessing to the body of Christ. 

The title of her sermon was, “Know the Conditions of Your Flock” taken from the Book of Acts 20:28 which says, “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

Pastor Leni shared her personal story of how she liked some pastors to others when she wasn’t a leader. “I was like that, I only talked to leaders I liked and more comfortable with but I tried to run away from the leaders I didn’t like and I was always hiding from them”, she reminisced. 

She added that we all desire to have a healthy church. An unhealthy church is a black eye to the glory of the Lord and brings shame on the Gospel. We can be sure that Satan desires more than anything to destroy the Church. He will attempt to put animosity between church leaders and the congregation.

The church was filled with laughter as the members of the church participated in Pastor Leni’s demonstration of how gossip is transmitted in the church. “The one who gossips to you will one day gossip about you”, she warned. 

Pastor Leni ended the sermon by saying, “so the next time you wonder why your church leaders lead the way they do, especially when the local church is gathered, remember, they have the challenge of trying to shepherd different types of people and there’s nothing simple or easy about that”. 

Listen to the Podcast.


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