Jesus is Knocking at Your Door

Pastor Victor encouraged the church members to seek Jesus Christ earnestly with all their heart and might as he preached yesterday at the International Christian Assembly’s auditorium. 

He emphasised that the Lord is always ready to accept us the way we are. He is standing at the door of our heart knocking and if we would let him into our hearts; He will dine with us and heal us from all our infirmities.  

Pastor Victor said, “communication is essential in a relationship”, as he admonished the church to build a strong personal connection with God. He added that even human beings desire that we engage in open communication with each other and how much more our heavenly Father who loves us and He wants the good for his children. 

Anyone who has seen Christ has seen the Father as the Bible said in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one”. Jesus was therefore surprised at the answer of Philip in John 14:8, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

The sermon was directed towards the love of the Father for his children and we are cautioned not to misuse it, but to take it seriously as we are sons and daughters of God.

BY: Diana Godwin

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